I knew I needed some kind of help, but I never really understood what I needed at the time I needed it. I was also unsure about how long I would need it and this caused additional anxiety especially when I needed to find the money to pay for an infinite amount of sessions!

How are we even meant to know when our heads are busy with thoughts of how to survive life as we know it. Choosing someone to help in the mind field of information you are presented with when you begin to look for support can really add to the overwhelm, on top of this many services recommend block bookings of 6 or more sessions which can feel risky when you have no idea who you are booking with.
Sometimes we just need to talk things through and release the pressure that's building inside us.

Talking to your pet may work for a while! but sometimes we may feel we need some human input!
So …
What if you could find someone to talk to confidentially, someone you valued and trusted, who didn't fill in reams of paperwork to satisfy organisational boundaries but actually focussed on what ever you needed to - when ever you needed to?
What if you could learn how to navigate life and deal with life events that all humans go through whilst you were chatting and then have opportunities to message for support whilst you put new ways or thoughts into practice?
What if they could provide advice, signposting or ongoing support and help you work out what you need to help at the point in your journey you are at right now?
What if they would provide honest feedback from the first session and hold the space to help you face what you need to push though it quickly?
What if you could book in one session or have a block, or just check in with a phone call or email if needed; maybe once a week, month or year or when you felt overwhelmed or as you learn and practice a new skill and are ready for the next step ... with no contracts or obligations?
No need to look any further!
One or More – Personal Therapeutic Mentoring
Many people find talking through a situation enables them to make sense of their thoughts and feelings and eases the pressure enough to carry on.
Speaking out loud is therapy in itself and when we hear ourselves talk and then have it reflected back, we can more easily understand our thoughts and feelings about a situation and make clear informed decisions. But sometimes we need a little help to join the dots and consider the impact of past learning or events have had on us to release blocks that hold us back from living life the way we want to.
I believe deep down we already know what we need, but it can be difficult to put into words, it may be blocked from awareness as on an unconscious level we may feel that acknowledging it may cause more problems. But its there, and given the right conditions and the right conversation it can be released.
You have more personal power than you realise!
Education is important part of this service, as you chat I share information to help you see your situation in different way, sharing common truths about being human that help you unblock emotions, heal the past and change the future. Learning to embrace your personal power and make choices towards what you want.
We were all children once and what we have learnt may or may not be serving us as adults. It may just be time to revisit - and learn to take care of your own needs.

So how many sessions is enough for you?
This part of my service is called One or More - Because we need to know that sometimes once is enough!
But the option is there to continue or come back to chat through what’s happening for you whenever you need it!
Quote “I love my sessions with Lynne! I had a few at first to help work through what was bothering me and now I just go back when I need help to figure out the next bit or talk through what’s going on. I have learnt skills and understand myself much better now”.
Just send me a message via text 07855853543 or email Lynne@LynneJones.org to book an appointment.
Online or face to face service offered